When do you need a criminal lawyer?

The process of being charged with a criminal offence, or being accused of one, can be both daunting and overwhelming. You might be asking yourself, “When do I need a criminal lawyer?” or worrying, “Will seeking legal advice make me look guilty?” Don’t worry—we’re here to help. Let us guide you through these questions and provide the clarity you need about when to get advice from an experienced criminal lawyer.

What is a criminal lawyer?

A criminal defence lawyer is a legal professional who specialises in criminal law and is dedicated to guiding you through every stage of the legal process. Their expertise can assist from the preliminary stages of an investigation, right through to a trial or sentencing. 

When the police are investigating an allegation they will often arrest an accused or ask that they hand themselves in to a police station for the purposes of conducting an interview. In these circumstances, a criminal defence lawyer can offer critical advice on how to navigate these interactions and protect your rights. At this stage, their role includes advising you on whether to speak with the police and, if so, how to approach the situation. Seeking legal advice at this stage from an experienced criminal lawyer is crucial to ensuring you don’t unintentionally damage your case or future prospects of a positive outcome, by answering (or not answering questions) without realising the impact this can have as to the overall outcome of the investigating. 

If you have been charged with a criminal offence a criminal lawyer can carefully assess the charge and the evidence against you, in order to help you understand your options moving forward. They will provide you with strategies tailored to the specifics of your case, advising you on your prospects of proceeding to trial or whether it’s in your best interest to consider pleading guilty. Additionally, an experienced lawyer can negotiate with the prosecution to potentially have charges reduced to a lesser offense with a lower maximum penalty or to ensure the facts of the case more accurately reflect what occurred. 

Just like with any professional service, hiring an experienced lawyer is crucial to the outcome of your criminal matter. It’s not only important to find someone you feel comfortable with, but also someone you can trust to have the knowledge and expertise to effectively handle your case.

At TASIC Legal, we exclusively practice in criminal law. Our experience spans across matters in all Western Australian criminal jurisdictions.

When should you consider engaging a criminal lawyer?

Having a skilled lawyer by your side can make all the difference in navigating the complexities of the legal system and ensuring the best possible outcome for your case. We strongly advise you to consider engaging a criminal lawyer if you or a loved one find yourselves in any the following circumstances:

I have been told, or I suspect, a complaint has been made to police

If you have been informed that a complaint has been made to the police regarding an incident you may have been involved in, it is essential to seek legal advice as soon as possible—before the police reach out to you. Getting early legal guidance allows you to understand your rights, plan your next steps, and avoid making decisions or statements that could negatively affect your case. This proactive approach can help protect your interests and ensure you are aware of what the next steps will be if the police contact you.

The police want to speak to me

If the police have already contacted you, and want to speak with you about an incident, it is crucial to seek legal advice immediately. A criminal lawyer can guide you on how to handle the situation, ensuring you understand your rights and avoid making statements that could harm your case. A lawyer will help you navigate the process and decide whether it’s in your best interest to speak with the police or exercise your right to remain silent. 

In addition to obtaining early legal advice, you can also speak to a criminal lawyer about having them contact the police on your behalf. Your lawyer can then liaise directly with the officers to arrange an appropriate time for an interview, or determine if an appointment is necessary at all. By having your  lawyer act as an intermediary, you reduce the risk of inadvertently saying something directly to the police that could affect your case. This ensures that your interactions are carefully managed and that your rights are protected throughout the process.

When facing criminal charges

If you’ve been charged with a criminal offence, engaging a lawyer is essential. They will thoroughly review your case, develop a tailored strategy based on the strength of the evidence and your instructions, whilst supporting you along the way. Throughout the process your lawyer will advocate on your behalf, guide you through each step, and ensure that you understand your options at each stage of your matter. 

Should your case proceed to Court, whether it be before the Magistrates, Children’s, District or Supreme Court, having legal representation is essential. An experienced criminal lawyer will assist in navigating the complexities of the legal system, present you with tailored defence strategies and advocate effectively on your behalf. We will guide you through what to expect before and after your hearing, helping you understand each stage of the process and what the possible outcomes could be. Having an experienced advocate ensures that your case is handled professionally, increasing your chances of a favorable result. An experienced lawyer can anticipate challenges, provide strategic advice, and ensure that you are fully prepared, both legally and emotionally, for court proceedings.

How the team at TASIC Legal can help you

Our team of specialised criminal lawyers are able to assist in the following ways:

  1. Pre-charge advice and representation 

It’s important to obtain tailored criminal law advice prior to speaking to police, as anything you may say might jeopardise your matter in the future. 

If you obtain legal advice early enough, we are also able to assist in liaising with police to  organise a time to attend an interview (as opposed to police attending your workplace or residence), or even ascertain if an interview can be avoided altogether. 

  1. Initial advice 

If you have been charged with an offence, we are able to request a copy of the preliminary materials. In some circumstances, we can also make an early request for evidence in order to provide you with comprehensive advice in relation to your options and likely outcomes. 

  1. Negotiate charges

We frequently see clients charged with offences which are not appropriate, or are brought in circumstances where there is not enough evidence to prove the case. In such situations, we can write to the prosecution and request them to either discontinue or downgrade the charges. Whilst this may not always seem achievable to an untrained eye, a specialised criminal lawyer can often identify flaws in the prosecution case and suggest ways to navigate the legal proceedings toward facilitating positive negotiations. Submissions to the prosecution can involve your lawyer identifying the deficiencies in the evidence, highlighting potential defences which are available on the evidence, and addressing public interest considerations. A skilled lawyer can help identify these important considerations and work toward a more favorable resolution which can often resolve Court proceedings efficiently and cost-effectively. 

  1. Representation in court 

Whilst it is possible to self-represent in Court, it can be daunting to speak in Court and know what to say. It is beneficial to have a lawyer who is familiar with the processes of the Court to ensure that the right thing is said and the right outcome is achieved. This can sometimes be the difference between being released on bail or obtaining a non-custodial sentence, and being held in custody or sentenced to an immediate term of imprisonment.

What are the benefits of working with a criminal lawyer?

Engaging a criminal lawyer offers numerous advantages, all of which give you a better chance at achieving the best possible outcome. These advantages include:

Experience and expertise

As experienced criminal defence lawyers, we have specialised knowledge of criminal law and Court procedures. From the initial consultation to the final outcome, our expertise ensures that your case is handled with efficiency and effectiveness.

Strategic legal defence

We can identify key legal issues, gather evidence, and develop a strong defence strategy tailored to your case. This can significantly reduce your risk of a criminal conviction and improve the chances of achieving a favorable result.

Support and guidance

Facing criminal charges can be stressful and emotionally taxing. We can provide support, help you understand the process, and offer guidance at every stage. Our team will work closely with you to explain your rights, outline potential outcomes, and develop a strategic defence tailored to your situation.

Better outcomes

Due to our negotiation skills and courtroom experience, we can navigate the complex details of the legal system with precision. This enables us to increase your chances of securing  better outcomes, which can involve a downgraded charge, a more favourable sentence or bail hearing, an acquittal or even the dismissal of your matter without going to Court. 

Defend your rights with TASIC Legal

At TASIC Legal, we provide comprehensive criminal defence services for individuals under investigation or facing criminal charges. Our team has extensive experience in Western Australian criminal jurisdictions and are dedicated to providing personalised, expert legal advice and representation tailored to your unique situation.

Don’t face criminal charges alone. Protect your rights and secure the best possible outcome with TASIC Legal. Call us any time, any day or enquire now through our website to discuss your case and learn how we can assist you. To learn more about us and who we help, please visit our website.

Navigating the legal system can be difficult, but with the right legal support you can face it with confidence. Trust us to be your greatest advocate and guide you through this challenging time.

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